
Rudow (Berlin U-Bahn)

Berlin U-Bahn stationsBerlin U-Bahn stubsBerlin railway station stubsBuildings and structures in NeuköllnRailway stations in Germany opened in 1972

Rudow is a Berlin U-Bahn station located on the line. There is a bus link to Berlin Schönefeld Airport, served by the line 171 and the express bus X7. Since 2015, the station has been under extended refurbishment to provide a better interchange between buses serving Brandenburg Airport/BER and the trains. Opened in 1972 by architect Rümmler it is the end station of the U7 line. Storage sidings for subway trains at the southern end measure about 350m. The next is Zwickauer Damm (returning for Rathaus Spandau).

Excerpt from the Wikipedia article Rudow (Berlin U-Bahn) (License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Authors, Images).

Rudow (Berlin U-Bahn)
Neuköllner Straße, Berlin Rudow

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N 52.416111111111 ° E 13.495277777778 °
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U Rudow

Neuköllner Straße
12355 Berlin, Rudow
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Operation Gold
Operation Gold

Operation Gold (also known as Operation Stopwatch by the British) was a joint operation conducted by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British MI6 Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in the 1950s to tap into landline communication of the Soviet Army headquarters in Berlin using a tunnel into the Soviet-occupied zone. This was a much more complex variation of the earlier Operation Silver project in Vienna. The plan was activated in 1954 because of fears that the Soviets might be launching a nuclear attack at any time, having already detonated a hydrogen bomb in August 1953 as part of the Soviet atomic bomb project. Construction of the tunnel began in September 1954 and was completed in eight months. The Americans wanted to hear any warlike intentions being discussed by their military and were able to listen to telephone conversations for nearly a year, eventually recording roughly 90,000 communications. The Soviet authorities were informed about Operation Gold from the very beginning by their mole George Blake but decided not to "discover" the tunnel until 21 April 1956, in order to protect Blake from exposure.Some details of the project are still classified and whatever authoritative information could be found was scant, until recently. This was primarily because the then-Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Allen Dulles had ordered "as little as possible" be "reduced to writing" when the project was authorized. In 2019, additional specifics became available.