International High School of San Francisco (familiarly known as International or IHS) is a private high school in Hayes Valley, San Francisco, California. Graduates earn either the International Baccalaureate ("IB") or the French Baccalaureate ("French Bac"). The IB curriculum is taught in English, while the French Bac is taught in French. A common misconception is that French is required to attend IHS. This is not true. Non-French speakers follow the IB curriculum. Approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of the students graduate with the IB diploma. (The IB is an internationally recognized degree program, with the fastest growth coming in the United States. Stuart Hall/Convent in San Francisco and Berkeley High School are two schools in the Bay Area that also offer the IB diploma.)
IB and French Bac graduates earn substantial college credit from pursuing these programs. Many graduates attend respected universities. At IHS, for example, 61 out of 239 graduates (37%) in the last three graduating classes (2015–17) matriculated at University of Chicago (10), UC Berkeley (9), NYU (8), Carnegie Mellon (7), Stanford (6), UCLA (6), King's College London (5), St. Andrews (4), Harvard (3), Columbia (3), Cornell (3), Washington University (3), Johns Hopkins (3), Georgetown (3), MIT (2), Brown (2), Williams (2), Penn (2), University College London (2), Carleton (2), Davidson, Emory, London School of Economics, and Wellesley.The IHS faculty is recruited from all over the world and represents over 20 nationalities. The average number of years of teaching experience is just under 20, and more than 80% of the faculty hold master's degrees or higher.