

Municipalities in BavariaUpper Bavaria geography stubs
Hufschlag, Elternhaus von Papst Benedikt XVI. 2
Hufschlag, Elternhaus von Papst Benedikt XVI. 2

Surberg is a municipality in the district of Traunstein in Bavaria, Germany. It is 90 km (55.7 miles) southeast of the Bavarian capital of Munich.

Excerpt from the Wikipedia article Surberg (License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Authors, Images).

Geographical coordinates (GPS)

Latitude Longitude
N 47.866666666667 ° E 12.7 °
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B 304
Bavaria, Germany
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Hufschlag, Elternhaus von Papst Benedikt XVI. 2
Hufschlag, Elternhaus von Papst Benedikt XVI. 2
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