
St. Kilian's Abbey, Würzburg

8th-century churches in Germany8th-century establishments in GermanyBavaria geography stubsBenedictine monasteries in GermanyChurches completed in 745
Irish monastic foundations in continental EuropeRoman Catholic church stubs

The Abbey of the Holy Redeemer (S. Salvatoris), also called St. Kilian's Abbey, was a Benedictine monastery in Würzburg, Germany. It was founded by Burchard, the first Bishop of Würzburg, about 745. The monks had charge of Würzburg Cathedral (Salvatormünster) and the cathedral school. The latter gained considerable renown. Probably owing to laxity in observance of the rule, Bernwelf, Bishop of Würzburg, replaced the monks in 786 by canons who led a common life and were popularly styled Brothers of St. Kilian. The expelled monks, more than fifty in number, found a home at the Abbey of Neustadt on the Main, where Bishop Megingaud, who had resigned the See of Würzburg, was abbot.

Excerpt from the Wikipedia article St. Kilian's Abbey, Würzburg (License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Authors).

St. Kilian's Abbey, Würzburg
Burkarderstraße, Würzburg Würzburg Altstadt

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N 49.78994 ° E 9.92474 °
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St. Burkard

Burkarderstraße 42
97082 Würzburg, Würzburg Altstadt
Bavaria, Germany
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